Książki autora Leisa Stewart-Sharpe z wysyłką do USA, Kanady i Australii.

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Jak smakuje czekolada na Evereście? Akademia mądre.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

Jeśli ciekawi cię, jak zimno jest na Antarktydzie; co słychać w lesie deszczowym albo jak smakuje czekolada na szczycie najwyższej góry świata; zapraszamy Cię na ekspedycję życia. Wraz z grupą dzieci

Planet Earth III [Oprawa Twarda]
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

This is our Planet Earth. From the highest peaks to the mysterious seafloor, almost every habitat has been impacted by humans. In this beautifully illustrated guide, you'll see our interconnected

Frozen Planet II [Oprawa Miękka]
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

Our planet is powered by the oceans, entangled in plants, and home to animals of every colour, shape and size. But in its last true wilderness, our planet is white . . . welcome to our frozen planet.

The Green Planet [Oprawa Miękka]
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

This is our Green Planet: a hidden world where plants care for other plants and can smell, taste, touch, hear and even . . . 'talk'. In the world of plants, time passes more slowly, but if we spee

Blue Planet II [Oprawa Miękka]
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

This is our Blue Planet: a beautiful blue marble suspended in a sea of stars. Unlike billions of other worlds in the Milky Way, 71 per cent of our Blue Planet is covered by ocean. It's home to the
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