Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. American Think is a vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building students' langua
Nowe, egzaminacyjne wydanie przeznaczone dla gimnazjalistów kontynuujących naukę języka angielskiego. Każdy poziom przeznaczony jest na jeden rok, przy 3 godzinach nauki tygodniowo.
Join Us for English is a fun course for young learners aged 7-10 years. The colourful Activity Book features puzzles and exercises involving reading, writing and listening.
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from highly respected authors that inspires young teenagers to learn. DVD Level 2 features six episodes of Story of the Stones, an animated adventu
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. American Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. Presentation Plus
Super Minds is a seven-level course for young learners. This exciting seven-level course enhances your students' thinking skills, sharpening their memory and improving their concentration along with
Playway to English second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, pro
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. American Think is a vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building students' langua
The Elementary Student's Book with Digital Pack provides clear learning objectives, core grammar and vocabulary input alongside a mix of skills. Speaking lessons offer a unique combination of functio
Super Safari British English edition is a three-level pre-primary course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, m
Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant and upbeat course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. The Teacher's Book provides
Grammar Gym to seria ciekawych książek dla uczniów na poziomie A2, którzy chcą powtórzyć i pogłębić swoją wiedzę z dziedziny gramatyki, słownictwa oraz doskonalić wypowiedzi.
Każdy unit Grammar G
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to cap