The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 Team to nowa seria podręczników do języka angielskiego dla klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej. Kurs (edycja międzynarodowa) jest przeznaczony dla prywatnych szkół językowych. Seria kładzie
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 Team to seria podręczników do języka angielskiego dla klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej. Kurs kładzie nacisk na aktywną naukę języka, oferując duży zasób ćwiczeń zróżnicowanych pod względe
Zeszyt ćwiczeń (Workbook and Grammar) + DigiBook to w pełni kolorowa publikacja podzielona na siedem modułów. W poszczególnych modułach zamieszczono materiały ćwiczeniowe nawiązujące do zagadnień oma
W skład pakietu (Student's Pack) wchodzi podręcznik (Student's Book) oraz interaktywny eBook (Interactive eBook) będący cyfrową, w pełni interaktywną wersją podręcznika drukowanego. Podręcznik cyfrow
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec
The Incredible 5 team is a brand new course that makes learning and teaching a rewarding experience. Its highly motivating content ensures that students learn, remember and use the new language effec