More than any other piece of furniture, the chair has been subjected to the wildest dreams of the designer. The particular curve of a backrest, or the twist of a leg, the angle of a seat or the color
LOFTS to książka dedykowana wszystkim, którzy kochają współczesny design. Nieszablonowe aranżacje starych hal fabrycznych, które zachowują styl, gwarantując komfort i zaskakując funkcjonalnością. W k
Across small cottages and lavish villas, beach houses and forest refuges, discover the world’s finest crop of new homes. This cutting-edge global digest features such talents as Shigeru Ban, MVRDV, a
Innovative, intimate architecture from China to Chile
Designing private residences has its own very special challenges and nuances for the architect. The scale may be more modest than public project
Design trends and styles of the 1950s
Published annually from 1906 until 1980, Decorative Art, The Studio Yearbook was dedicated to the latest currents in architecture, interiors, furniture, lightin
Tarasy, ogrody i balkony to połączenie naszej własnej przestrzeni, w której mieszkamy z otaczającym nas światem zewnętrznym. Architekci i projektanci łączący te d
Opposing styles in 1960s design
Published annually from 1906 until 1980, Decorative Art, The Studio Yearbook was dedicated to the latest currents in architecture, interiors, furniture, lighting, gla
Dior by Peter Lindbergh
An homage to fashion’s most beloved photographer
Peter Lindbergh photographed Dior’s most exceptional muses, Marion Cotillard and Charlize Theron among them, and signed ca
Decades’ worth of images have been distilled down to 512 pages of photographs in this ultimate retrospective collection of Nobuyoshi Araki's work, selected by the artist himself.
First published a
Japan's contemporary architecture has long been among the most inventive in the world, recognized for sustainability and infinite creativity. No fewer than eight Japanese architects have won the Prit
Adam Bujak wprowadza nas w swoim albumie raz jeszcze - bo znowu potrzeba, bo zawsze potrzeba - na szlaki trwania i przemijania polskiego krajobrazu duchowego. Zaczyna od Giewontu, jak rycerz w zbroi
Na blisko 200 stronach przedstawione zostaną nastrojowe krajobrazy, cenne rośliny i zwierzęta, unikatowe
zabytki i wciąż żywe tradycje tych niezwykle chętnie odwiedzanych przez turystów regionów Pol
How can we pack so much big booty into such a tiny and inexpensive package? Sorry, but it's a trade secret we can't divulge, except to say that shoehorns and spandex were involved. The original Big B
Today’s most exceptional Japanese homes
So rich and unique is traditional Japanese architecture that it’s nearly impossible to improve upon. Yet contemporary Japanese designers and architects keep f
What’s Wrong in Tinseltown?
The dark side of Los Angeles, 1920–1950
In the years following World War I, Los Angeles was a city awakening to its darker side, transforming itself from a backwater t
The Mediterranean home has an ongoing influence on residential architecture and interior design: from classical rural styles, to more grounded spaces that interweave form and function.
Blending the
The revered tradition of botanical illustration dates back to the Renaissance. It emerged from the desire to catalog nature in its unpredictable splendor, and the process demanded the most precise an
Mythologies for the Future
The biomechanical art of HR Giger
“At its essence, Giger’s art digs down into our psyches and touches our very deepest primal instincts and fears. His art stands in a
As the lines between technology, work, and play become increasingly blurred, it is natural we are drawn towards the simplicity and solace of nature as a salve to our everyday chaos. But what if that
Dining out is so much more than just what you can order off the menu. Tasteful serves up a selection of restaurant interiors that add an eye-catching element to the dining experience. Our appetite fo
The book features richly illustrated dispatches from visits to Japanese landscapes, architecture and cultural sites, shedding light on the influence Japanese traditions have had on the studio’s conte
Myth, Muscle, and Sexy Maidens
The wonders of fantasy art
Fantasy art, that colorful blend of myth, muscle and sexy maidens, took off in 1923 with the launch of Weird Tales magazine, was reinvigo
The Time Traveler
Stephen Wilkes’s day-to-night portraits of iconic locations around the world
If you were to stand in one spot at an iconic location for 30 hours and simply observe, never closin
This unique visual collection celebrates the very best contemporary Maximalist interior design as well as making the connection to a much longer historical tradition of excess. Maximalism is a style