More’s Utopia is a complex, innovative and penetrating contribution to political thought, culminating in the famous ’description’ of the Utopians, who live according to the principles of natural law,
In Utopia Thomas More painted a fantastical picture of a distant island where society is perfected and people live in harmony, yet its title means 'no place', and More's hugely influential work was u
Pełna nazwa utworu to Książeczka zaiste złota i niemniej pożyteczna jak przyjemna o najlepszym ustroju państwa i nieznanej dotąd wyspie Utopii – książka z roku 1516 napisana przez Tomasza Morusa prze
In Utopia, Thomas More gives us a traveller's account of a newly discovered island where the inhabitants enjoy a social order based on natural reason and justice, and human fulfilment is open to all.