M.C. Bishop książki

Książki autora M.C. Bishop z wysyłką do USA, Kanady i Australii.

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Roman Shields [Oprawa Miękka]
M.C. Bishop

The introduction of the scutum in the 4th century BC revolutionized the way the Romans fought. Instead of being purely defensive, the shield became a weapon in its own right. Using the top edge or bo

Roman Plate Armour [Oprawa Miękka]
M.C. Bishop

Fully illustrated, this book investigates the articulated plate armour worn by Roman legionaries. First named by Renaissance historians studying the reliefs on Trajan's Column, lorica segmentata e

Roman Mail and Scale Armour [Oprawa Miękka]
M.C. Bishop

Fully illustrated, this study investigates the origins, evolution and use of the mail and scale armour worn by the soldiers and gladiators of Imperial Rome. Less glamorous than the Roman Army's in

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