There is in Athens a rather plain ruin; a simple courtyard lined with fragments of wall. Yet, this little patch of land has a claim to be the most significant place in human history. It is the Lyceum
Krótki i praktyczny poradnik dla nowoczesnego stoika. Od kilku lat stoicyzm cieszy się coraz większą popularnością. Ale o co tak naprawdę chodziło stoikom? By odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, filozof Joh
What do we really need in order to live a happy life? An Epicurean antidote to anxiety
Over two thousand years ago the Greek philosopher Epicurus offered a seemingly simple answer: all we really w
Why has Aristotle had such an astounding influence on the world? What are his key ideas? What can he still teach us today?
The Lyceum in Athens, now a ruin, has a claim to be the most significant
A deeply comforting and enlightening book on how Stoicism can inspire us to lead more enjoyable lives
What aspects of your life do you really control? What do you do when you cannot guarantee that