In Stephen Fry's vivid retelling we gaze in wonder as wise Athena is born from the cracking open of the great head of Zeus and follow doomed Persephone into the dark and lonely realm of the Underworl
From the creator of Valuetainment, the #1 YouTube channel for entrepreneurs, and “one of the most exciting thinkers” (Ray Dalio, author of Principles) in business today, comes a practical and effecti
We live in an age of increasing complexity, where accelerating technology and global interconnection hold more promise – and more peril – than any other time in human history. The fossil fuels that h
Skąd pochodzą pieniądze? Kto je tworzy? To książka, w której znajdziesz pełen zasób wiadomości o wielkiej iluzji zwanej pieniądzem. Nudny temat? Tylko poczekaj! W ciągu pięciu minut wciągniesz się w
„Business Matters” covers a variety of business-related topics introducing a wide range of vocabulary as well as providing ample opportunities to practice and master the use of Business English. The
Over the past two centuries, economic growth has freed billions from poverty and made our lives far healthier and longer. As a result, the unfettered pursuit of growth defines economic life around th
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners.
“I love Olly’s work – and you will too!” – Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Time
What do you want when no one is watching?
Who do you fantasise about when the lights are off?
When you think about sex, what do you really want?
When we talk about sex, we talk about womanhood a
This book has been designed as a guide for foreigners studying in Poland. The preparation of such a book for this particular kind of recipient represents a much-needed and valuable initiative, as the
We are heading towards the worst economic catastrophe of our lifetimes – unless we can defend against ten terrifying threats.
World renowned economist Nouriel Roubini was nicknamed Dr. Doom until
On the Other Hand is a short story collection by the award-winningSlovak author, Pavol Rankov. As the title implies, there is a duality to the stories in this volume – half of them are set in contemp
Award-winning original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, from Starter to Advanced, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's ca
In this powerfully influential series of short stories, James Joyce captures uneasy souls, shabby lives and innocent minds in the dark streets and homes of his native city. In doing so, he conjures u
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of German.
Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in l
Publikacja jest nowym wydaniem - gruntownie przejrzanym, poprawionym i uzupełnionym.
Zawiera około 117 000 terminów i skrótów, wystepujących w fachowej literaturze polskiej oraz ich odpowiedniki l
The #1 bestselling economist opens our eyes to the new power that is reshaping our lives and the world
Capitalism is dead. Welcome to technofeudalism.
In his boldest and most far-reaching book,
A modern classic, The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America is the book Buffett autographs most and likes best. Its popularity and longevity over three decades attest to the widespr
Słownik biznesmena zawiera po ponad 10 000 haseł i zwrotów w każdej części, używanych w biznesie zwłaszcza w takich dziedzinach jak handel zagraniczny, transport i spedycja, ubezpieczenia, cła, podat
Słownik zawiera ponad 20 000 haseł z różnych dziedzin związanych z turystyką i hotelarstwem, takich jak:
- obsługa i wyposażenie zakładów hotelarskich,
- obsługa ruchu turystycznego,
- rynek us
A.L. Kennedy's fifth remarkable collection of short stories shows us exactly what becomes of the broken-hearted. Always attuned to the moment of epiphany, these twelve stories are profound, intimate
Słownik zawiera około 30 000 terminów i wyrażeń z takich dziedzin, jak
• podstawy finansów
• wskaźniki finansowe
• finanse publiczne, w tym podatki
• bankowość komercyjna
• bankowość in
Słownik zawiera ponad 22 000 polskich haseł, zwrotów frazeologicznych przetłumaczonych na język angielski i rosyjski, łącznie ponad 50 000 znaczeń. Słownik obejmuje zakres organizacji i techniki hand
In this bumper collection of chilling tales, which includes the brilliant story adapted into the acclaimed movie The Mist, we meet: a woman who has never crossed The Reach, the water dividing her fro
Edgar Allan Poe - amerykański poeta, nowelista, krytyk i redaktor. Jego twórczość, a zwłaszcza pełne grozy i fantastyki opowiadania, to jedno z najważniejszych zjawisk w literaturze światowej. Poe, o