Najtrudniej zobaczyć zbrodniarza w osobie, którą kochamy...
Otto Wächter, nazistowski zbrodniarz, założyciel krakowskiego getta i przyjaciel Hansa Franka, po wojnie ukrywa się przed sprawiedliwośc
“Hunger gnawed at my insides. I couldn’t last much longer. But just as I was beginning to give up, I found myself in the Auschwitz stables, with rows of stalls filled with horses. Barbarossa was a to
Formed in 1939 SS-Polizei Division were not considered initially as an SS fighting force, and this status was reflected in the quality of the equipment they were issued. Following operations in Franc
Discover the story of the Second World War brought to life in full colour by renowned historian James Holland and award-winning artist Keith Burns
From the great cities of Europe to the jungles of
Podczas drugiej wojny światowej w szeregach alianckich walczyło niemal milion żołnierzy Żydów. W okupowanych przez Niemcy krajach Europy Żydzi stawiali opór zbrojny – do jego najbardziej bohaterskich
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored i
'It all starts with waking up... to what our bodies are expressing and our minds are suppressing'
Western countries invest billions in healthcare, yet mental illness and chronic diseases are on a
On 28th January 1742, a ramshackle vessel of patched-together wood and cloth washed up on the coast of Brazil. Inside were thirty emaciated men, barely alive, and they had an extraordinary tale to te
'I want you to make a promise to me that you will always take care of your sisters. That you will always be there for one another. That you will not allow anyone to take you away from each other, eve
Seventy-five years after the end of the Second World War the details of Soviet ships, their activities and fates remain an enigma to the West. In wartime such information was classified and after a b
In 1990, a country disappeared. When the Iron Curtain fell, East Germany simply ceased to be. For over forty years, from the ruin of the Second World War to the cusp of a new millennium, the GDR pres
It’s 1536 and the Queen has been beheaded.
Lady Grace Fairfax, witch, knows that something foul is at play – that someone had betrayed Anne Boleyn and her coven.
Wild with the loss of their leade
Her beauty saved her life - and condemned her.
In 1942 Cilka Klein is just sixteen years old when she is taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. The Commandant at Birkenau, Schwarzhuber, n
There is an entrenched relationship between the consulting industry and the way business and government are managed today which must change.
Mariana Mazzucato and Rosie Collington show that our ec
‘Trust me, this is a great true story’ – Ken Follett
‘This is an unbelievable story that is all completely true. The life described is astonishing. John Carr has done an extraordinary and riveting
Troy has fallen and the Greek victors are primed to return home, loaded with spoils. All they need is a good wind to lift their sails.
But the wind does not come. The gods are offended - the body
On 28th January 1742, a ramshackle vessel of patched-together wood and cloth washed up on the coast of Brazil. Inside were thirty emaciated men, barely alive, and they had an extraordinary tale to te
The inspiring and heartbreaking true story of two best friends torn apart and reunited against all odds.
When Hannah Pick-Goslar's family fled Nazi Germany for Amsterdam, she struck up a close fri
Ktoś powiedział o Normanie Daviesie, że posiada dar, który mają tylko wielcy historycy - umiejętność przemyślenia przeszłości na nowo. Ktoś inny dodał: „Norman Davies ukazuje nam namiętności, poezję,
Najważniejsze typy czołgów z lat drugiej wojny światowej – historia ich powstania i udziału w walkach oraz ich parametry techniczne.
W tej bogato ilustrowanej publikacji Thomas Anderson, znawca mili
They’ll search the world to find her.
From the Sunday Times number one bestselling author Lucinda Riley, The Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in the multimillion-copy epic series The Seve
Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), minister oświecenia narodowego i propagandy Rzeszy, budzi jednoznaczne skojarzenia. To jedna z najbardziej złowrogich postaci w historii XX wieku, symbol kłamstwa, cynizm
Angielski przekład powieści "Zapiski oficera Armii Czerwonej" Sergiusza Piaseckiego, stylizowanej na pamiętnik czerwonoarmisty, Zubowa, który uczestniczy w ataku na Polskę i konfrontuje swoje, wbite