Produkty z tagiem 'EASY READERS'

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Two Wexford Stories ER B - A2 [Oprawa Miękka]
Ruth Rendell

Inspector Wexford is busy trying to solve two cases in this EASY READER: 'Ginger and the Kingsmarkham Chalk Circle' and 'Achilles Heel'.

L'enfant derriere la porte ER b - A2 [Oprawa Miękka]
David Bisson

This is a true story about a 12-year-old boy, David, who tells about his early childhood. He has been isolated and abused by his mother most of his life. He finally escapes and gets professional help

La cle sur la porte ER B - A2 [Oprawa Miękka]
Marie Cardinal

The narrator of 'La clé sur la porte' is the mother of three teenage children. The main issues in the story are the conflicts between the authoritarian world of the past and open and free world of to

La planete des singes Contemporain B [Oprawa Miękka]
Pierre Boulle

Professor Antelle, Arthur Levain and Ulysse Mérou take off into space to find out if there are human beings in other galaxies. They arrive at a planete inhabited by monkeys...

La vie devant soi ER C - B1 [Oprawa Miękka]
Romain Gary

There is a strong contrast all through the book between love and optismism, fear and pessimism. The book is humorous, bittersweet and vivid. 'La vie devant soi' has been filmed.

Les petits enfants du siecle [Oprawa Miękka]
Christiane Rochefort

A sociological and literary story about the precocious Josyane. She recounts her life story from the age 11 until her marriage.

Papillon ER D - B2 [Oprawa Miękka]
Henri Charriere

Excerpts from the famous novelist autobiography of Charrie`re, who was put on trial for murder and deported to a desolate island to do hard labour...

Rip Van Winkle [Oprawa Miękka]
Washington Irving

The American War of Independence was fought from 1775 to 1783. General George Washington became the first president of the United States in 1789. These facts, and an old German folk-tale, formed th

Papel mojado [Oprawa Miękka]
Juan Jose Millas

Un joven, Manolo G. Urbina, indaga en torno al. Asesinato de su amigo Juan Mary. Es una novela llena de suspenso desde el principio hasta el fin. Toda la busqueda esta llena de suspenso y de emocion.

Falle fur den Kommisar [Oprawa Miękka]
Herbert Reinecker

Die zwei hier vorliegenden Kriminalfalle "Messer im Rucken" und "Der Mord an Frau Klett" sind der erfolgreichen deutschen Fernsehserie "Der Kommisar" entnommen. In "Meser im Rucken" fallt ein Mann in

Zwei Kriminalstorys [Oprawa Miękka]
Friedhelm Werremeier

Die hier beschriebenen Kriminalgeschichten >>Morder auf dem toten Gleis>Treff mit Trimmel>Treff mit Trimmel

Il segreto e altri racconti [Oprawa Miękka]
Achille Campanile

> e una scelta di racconti brevi, nei quali Achille Campanile, ci introduce in diverse zone della societa italiana e ci presenta tutta una serie di personaggi diversissimi, mettendone a

The Bottle Imp [Oprawa Miękka]
Robert Louis Stevenson

Adventure: An exciting story about a little devil in a bottle. Whoever owns the bottle can get everything he wishes, but unless he sells the bottle for less than he bought it, he will go to hell wh

Ti ho sposato per allegria [Oprawa Miękka]
Natalia Ginzburg

La commedia ci introduce nel piccolo mondo della gente comune: la giovane Giuliana, che e venuta a Roma per diventare attrice, incontra dopo diverse disavventure Pietro, un giovane e ricco avvocato.

Va' dove ti porta il cuore [Oprawa Miękka]
Susanna Tamaro

Questa e la storia di una nonna, che fa da nonna madre per la nipote dopo la morte di sua figlia. La nonna scrive in forma di diario una lunga lettera alla nipote che ora si trova lontano in America.

Vino e pane [Oprawa Miękka]
Ignazio Silone

Pietro Spina, un giovane intellettuale perseguitato dal regime fascista, rientra in Italia clandesinamente e raggiunge la propria terra d'orogine che e, naturalmente, la stessa di Ignazio Silone: gli

Das Brandopfer [Oprawa Miękka]
Albert Goes

Diese Geschichte gibt einen Einblick in die Jahre der Judenverfolgung zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland. Die noch nicht verhafteten Juden durfen nur freitags in einer bestimmten Metzger

Der Gasmann B [Oprawa Miękka]
Heinrich Spoerl

Der Gasmann Hermann Knittel lebt in bescheidenen Verhaltnissen. Uberraschend kommer er und auf undurchsichtige Weise zu sehr viel Geld.

So zartlich war SuleykeN Poziom C [Oprawa Miękka]
Siegfried Lenz

In den hier vorliegenden kleinen Geschichten schildert Siegfried Lenz in seiner ihm eigenen verschmitzten Art. Eine Dorfgemeinschaft seiner masurischen Heimat. Wir lernen den skurrilen Hamilkar Schas

Andreuccio da Perugia A [Oprawa Plastikowa]

Novella dal Decamerone. 01 - 12:53 02 - 10:05 03 - 04:38

Einen dieb fangen [Oprawa Miękka]
Otto Steiger

Die Klasse 4e des stadtischen Gymnasiums Bern ist auf Klassenfahrt. Es verspricht ein angenehmer Aufenthalt zu werden. Doch plotzlich fehlt das Geld aus der Reisekasse. Die Nachforschungen innerhalb

Le pere Goriot Poziom D [Oprawa Miękka]
Honore Balzac

Le pere goriot D. Uproszczone lektury obcojęzyczne. Proste i uproszczone teksty o różnej tematyce z ilustracjami i objaśnieniami słownikowymi. Po każdym rozdziale dodatkowe pytania i zadania ułatw

The Great Stone Face Poziom A [Oprawa Miękka]
Nathaniel Hawthorne

High up on the mountainside, the Great Stone Face looks down at the people who live in the valley. Some day, the story runs, a great man will come to the valley and his face will look just like the

The Jungle Books [Oprawa Miękka]
Rudyard Kipling

A collection of stories around the character Mowgli, the boy in the Indian jungle with animals growing up.

Treasure Island Poziom C [Oprawa Miękka]
Robert Louis Stevenson

The story grew out of a map that led to imaginary treasure, devised during a holiday in Scotland by Stevenson and his nephew. The tale is told by an adventurous boy, Jim Hawkins, who gets hold of tre

Donde este mi corazon Poziom B1 [Oprawa Miękka]
Jordi Sierra Fabra

Montse es una joven espanola que vivio un ano antes un momento muy critico. Ahora tiene que aprender a vivir de nuevo, sin perder la alegria ni su derecho a ser feliz.

Novellen C [Oprawa Miękka]
Stefan Zweig

Easy Readers - Werden in vier Reihen herausgegeben: C - bucher mit 1800 Wortern.

Le grand Meaulnes Easy Readers B [Oprawa Miękka]
Alain Fournier

EASY READERS Uproszczone lektury francuskojęzyczne. Proste i uproszczone teksty o różnej tematyce (od klasycznej literatury po historie detektywistyczne) z ilustracjami i objaśnieniami słownikowymi.

Historias de la Artamila Poziom C [Oprawa Miękka]
Ana Maria Matute

La vie a la campagne du point de vue d'un enfant.

Requiem por un campesino espanol Poziom C [Oprawa Miękka]
Ramon J. Sender

Histoire tragique de la guerre civile espagnole. Uproszczone lektury obcojęzyczne. Proste i uproszczone teksty o różnej tematyce z ilustracjami i objaśnieniami słownikowymi. Po każdym rozdziale do
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