Spektakle Derrena Browna w telewizji i na żywo wprowadzają w trans i wyprowadzają w pole miliony ludzi.
Jego zaskakujące iluzje i niezwykłe pokazy sceniczne, wyznaczyły nowe standardy tego, co możli
Everyone says they want to be happy. But that's much more easily said than done. What does being happy actually mean? And how do you even know when you feel it?
In Happy Derren Brown explores chan
Notes for reassurance
Brilliant . . . crammed with wisdom and insight.` - Stephen Fry on Happy In A Little Happier Derren Brown draws out the essential discoveries from his international bestse
'Enlightening, thought-provoking and illuminating. Derren Brown asks questions about the world, and his intelligent curiosity benefits us all.'
In A Book of Secrets, international