W deszczowym Los Angeles, w dystopijnej przyszłości, rozpoczyna się nowa saga osadzona w uniwersum Blade Runnera. Najlepsza łowczyni androidów i śledcza, Aahna „Ash” Ashina, została przydzielona do z
Przystąpienie Stanów Zjednoczonych do drugiej wojny światowej zapewniło koalicji alianckiej potężne wsparcie przemysłowe Ameryki i umożliwiło przejęcie inicjatywy strategicznej w walkach z Niemcami i
This monograph analyses the way that Jews were portrayed in various scholarly journals and lay gazettes published in French in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, mostly by Huguenot refugees.
This classic Images of War book traces the key role played by destroyers of the United States Navy since the first order for 16 in 1898. Prior to the USA’s entry into the First World War a further 63
United States Marine Corps played a leading role in the war against Japan from Pearl Harbor in December 1941 until VJ Day on 2 September 1945. Living up to its motto the “First to Fight”, the 1st Mar
During the Second World War the Axis powers, most prolifically the Germans, deployed a vast array of armoured fighting vehicles to support their tanks and infantry. These included tank destroyers, re
In 1942 the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions were formed and three more followed. 17th and 92nd (All American Division) and 101st (Screaming Eagles) fought in Sicily, D-Day, MARKET GARDEN and the Rh
From humble beginnings in 1911 with floatplanes, by the 1930s, the US Navy possessed dirigibles and were introducing fighter planes. By the start of WW2, monoplane fighters were replacing bi-planes a
Przystąpienie Stanów Zjednoczonych do drugiej wojny światowej zapewniło koalicji alianckiej potężne wsparcie przemysłowe Ameryki i umożliwiło przejęcie inicjatywy strategicznej w walkach z Niemcami i
The Ml Abrams has proved itself to be the finest main battle tank in the World since its introduction into US Army service in 1981. It combines the ultimate balance between firepower, mobility and pr
W deszczowym Los Angeles, w dystopijnej przyszłości, rozpoczyna się nowa saga osadzona w uniwersum Blade Runnera. Najlepsza łowczyni androidów i śledcza, Aahna „Ash” Ashina, została przydzielona do
To counter the Soviet threat and that of their client States during the Cold War years 1949-1991, the American military deployed an impressive range of main battle tanks (MBTs) and armoured fighting