It’s 1536 and the Queen has been beheaded.
Lady Grace Fairfax, witch, knows that something foul is at play – that someone had betrayed Anne Boleyn and her coven.
Wild with the loss of their leade
The follow-up to the sensational #1 Sunday Times bestseller Her Majesty’s Royal Coven
All is not as it seems within the halls of Her Majesty’s Royal Coven…
Despite thinking they’ve thwarted the
Jana Novak to zwykła dziewczyna z południowego Londynu. Jest wysoka, tyczkowata i czuje się nieswojo ze swoim androgynicznym wyglądem. Nieoczekiwanie zostaje odkryta przez agencję modelek i katapulto
The follow-up to the sensational #1 Sunday Times bestseller Her Majesty’s Royal Coven
All is not as it seems within the halls of Her Majesty’s Royal Coven…
Despite thinking they’ve thwarted the
Hidden among us is a secret coven of witches.
Know has Her Majesty's Royal Coven,they protect crown and country from magical forces and otherworldly evil.
But their greatest enemy will come fro
A funny and pertinent book about being lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, transgender or just curious - for everybody, no matter their gender or sexuality
Former PSHCE teacher and acclaimed YA author
When three very different siblings, Fern, Rowan and Willow, go home for a Christmas reunion at their family home in Edinburgh, it’s not long before some VERY BIG SECRETS threaten their cosy holiday …
Gorące lato, tajemnicza śmierć, rodzinny dramat i misternie utkane oszustwo
W niejasnych okolicznościach podczas balu maturalnego ginie Janey Bradshaw. Policja, rodzina i większość znajomych uważa,