In more than 200 striking images, Italy celebrates perhaps the most beautiful country in the world. From the natural beauty of lakes such as Como or Garda and the volcanic mountains of Vesuvius and E
The center of the solar system is the Sun, the star that gives our planet light and heat. Eight planets and more than 200 satellites, as well as many other space objects, from asteroids to comets,
Being essential to the survival of civilisations, rivers run through mythology – think of ancient Egypt – and religion – think of the Ganges and Hinduism. And they continue to inspire writers and art
Buongiorno Italia!
Włochy, zajmujące piąte miejsce na liście najczęściej odwiedzanych państw świata. Tłumy turystów spieszą, aby zobaczyć najstarszy Uniwersytet Boloński, Bazylikę Świętego Piotra
Grecja to miejsce, gdzie zachowało się mnóstwo wspaniałych pozostałości po starożytnej, liczącej sobie 3000 lat cywilizacji, która wciąż rozbrzmiewa echem w kulturze europejskiej i światowej. Górzyst
The Big Book of Animals answers all of these questions and many more - all under one cover. It contains fascinating photographs of wildlife, dozens of original diagrams and infographics, as well a
We live in an increasingly urbanised world, but there are still many magnificent stretches of wilderness unaltered by humankind. From the most remote mountains and valleys in Alaska to the southern t
"The Big Book of Dinosaurs" is a real gift for everyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the most terrifying creatures that ever lived on Earth.Young readers will get
How to become an astronaut? Is there water on Mars? How big is the galaxy?"The Big Book of Space" will answer these and many other questions. Young readers will be able to go down