Your students will be enchanted by award winning author, Paul Shipton's episodic story at the beginning of each unit and they will want to know what happens next. Written especially for the course, t
Your students will be enchanted by award winning author, Paul Shipton's episodic story at the beginning of each unit and they will want to know what happens next. Written especially for the course, t
World Quest combines the drama and excitement of an episodic story, with real world texts and topics to accelerate students' progression.
Your students will be enchanted by award winning author, P
Pięcioczęściowy kurs dla szkoły ponadpodstawowej przygotowujący do matury na poziomie podstawowym i rozszerzonym.
INNOWACJA w nauczaniu i utrwalaniu słownictwa - metoda oparta na najnowszych badan