Richard Holmes książki

Książki autora Richard Holmes z wysyłką do USA, Kanady i Australii.

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Wiek cudów Jak odkrywano piękno i grozę nauki [Oprawa Miękka]
Richard Holmes

W brawurowo napisanym „Wieku cudów” Richard Holmes zgłębia równie pasjonującą, co – momentami – przerażającą historię nauki przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku. Pomiędzy podróżą dookoła świata kapitana Jamesa

The Napoleonic Wars [Oprawa Twarda]
Richard Holmes

Published to mark the 250th anniversary of Napoleon's birth. Holmes relives Napoleon's life and times in this extraordinary period by examining letters, military maps, reports, proclamations, ship

The Napoleonic Wars The Compact Guide [Oprawa Miękka]
Richard Holmes

This outstandingly vivid and accessible book, written by one of Britain's leading historians, provides the essential overview of Napoleon's career. Beginning in revolutionary France with a brilliant

D-Day From the invasion to the liberation of Paris.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Richard Holmes

D-Day, the largest amphibious invasion in history, took place on 6 June 1944. The subsequent battle of Normandy involved over a million men, and helped seal the fate of The Third Reich. This is a gra
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