The year is 2110. Humankind is entering a new golden age. But when an amateur astronomer points his telescope at just the right corner of the night sky, he sees disaster hurtling toward Earth: a chun
In the 22nd century visionary scientist Vannevar Morgan concieves the most grandiose engineering project of all time, and one that will revolutionize the future of mankind in space: a Space Elevator,
Sir Arthur C.Clarke (1917-2008) – fizyk, astronom, twórca znakomitych programów i filmów popularnonaukowych, chyba najwybitniejszy pisarz SF. Autor blisko 40 książek, w tym tak słynnych jak „Imperial
W roku 2131 w Układzie Słonecznym pojawia się obcy obiekt, nazwany z mitologii hinduskiej Ramą. Zdumiewa swoim idealnie regularnym kształtem i prezentuje się na tyle fascynująco, że Ziemianie organiz
A special edition of Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke reissued with a bright retro design to celebrate Pan's 70th anniversary. Earth has become a Utopia, guided by a strange unseen people from out
The enigmatic object christened Rama was detected while still outside the orbit of Jupiter. A first radar contact at such distance was unprecended, indicating that Rama was od exceptional size. As it