Fernando Botero is an artist with his own style. For more than six decades, the Colombian’s “Boterismo” technique has captured collectors, institutions, and public spaces worldwide with a unique, fle
More versatile and less idiosyncratic than Michelangelo, more prolific and accessible than his mentor Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, though he died at only thirty-seven, is considered the single most in
Did you know that the Egyptians created the first synthetic colour; or that the noblest purple comes from a predatory sea snail? Throughout history, artist pigments have been made from deadly metals,
Osiem wieków malarstwa, stu artystów, wybitne dzieła
• Przystępnie i zabawnie przedstawiona historia malarstwa.
• Chronologiczna prezentacja artystów, najważniejsze nurty, szkoły, style.
• Rozwiąz
Album poświęcony życiu i twórczości Tamary Łempickiej, nazywanej królową art déco. Od najmłodszych lat obracała się w towarzystwie światowych elit i brylowała na salonach. Była błyskotliwą skandalist
Po ogromnych sukcesach publikacji o Tamarze Łempickiej (1898–1980) skupiających się na twórczości malarskiej oraz życiu tej niezwykłej i utalentowanej artystki, kolejnym tytułem w przygotowaniu jest
The complex phenomenon of colour has received detailed attention from the perspectives of physics, chemistry, physiology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy. However, the people who work most clo
Embrace the world of innovative opportunities provided by prefabrication and modular construction, billed by many as the future of modern architecture.
Step into the new era of architecture and de
The Performer explores the relations between performing in art (particularly music), politics and everyday experience. It focuses on the bodily and physical dimensions of performing, rather than on w
Vermeer's intensely quiet and enigmatic paintings invite the viewer into a private world, often prompting more questions than answers. Who is being portrayed? Are his subjects real or imagined? And h
This remarkable book brings you face-to-face with an incredible selection of pioneering women who have reshaped the creative industries.
From legendary visual artists Yoko Ono and Tracey Emin, to
Absurdity against the establishment
Emerging amid the brutality of World War I, the revolutionary Dada movement took disgust with the establishment as its starting point. From 1916 until the mid-192
'Anyone looking for the most readable survey of the history of art from the [sic] cave paintings to the 20th century should buy the new, beautifully produced pocket edition of The Story of Art, still
Najdziwniejsze obrazy, rzeźby i inne kurioza z historii sztuki.
Autor entuzjastycznie przyjętej Biblioteki szaleńca (wyróżnionej nagrodami „Sunday Times Literature Book of the Year 2020”, „Radio 4
This fully-illustrated history of the world’s best comic strip art, including Hy Eisman’s The Katzenjammer Kids, which debuted in 1897, Charles Schultz’s Peanuts (1950), Peyo’s Smurfs (1958), Steve D
Życie i świat Tamary Łempickiej. Postać Tamary Łempickiej i jej malarstwo od dawna żywo interesowały autorkę. Ta książka jest barwną podróżą do prywatnego świata słynnej malarki, wyprawą jej śladami
Abstract pioneer
Harmonies in red, yellow, and blue
A key figure in the international avant-garde, Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) was at once an extraordinary painter and leading art theoretician whos
The Definitive Art Sourcebook: Media, Materials, Tools, and Techniques
Take your creativity to the next level with the ultimate artist's bible!
Covering everything from how to draw and paint to c
Digital communication has seen the word as text permeate life in ways that the poets and artists of yesterday could never have imagined. Presenting a history of word- and book-based art, and examinin
There is something distinctly compelling about the vintage aesthetic. Brimming with charm and character, it often tells stories of a colourful past and showcases a level of craftsmanship that many cr
Publikacja została wydana z okazji 25-lecia Muzeum Historii Polskiego Ruchu Ludowego. Zawiera kolekcje tematyczne, tj. malarstwo o tematyce historycznej, malarstwo o tematyce religijnej, malarstwo po
Stara stolica Polski bije dziś rekordy popularności jako najpopularniejsza polska destynacja turystyczna. Jak sugestywnie opowiadać jej dzieje i kulturę, by zainteresować młodego czytelnika? Czy tysi
Embracing over a thousand years of history and an area stretching from the Atlantic to the borders of India and China, this is an unrivalled synthesis of the arts of Islamic civilization. From the de