Nietypowy autoportret jednego z najwybitniejszych współczesnych polskich reżyserów i animatorów. Główna jego część to opowieść obrazkowa ułożona z rodzinnych fotografii, wycinków z gazet, szkiców, ry
David Foster Wallace was one of the most celebrated and visionary writers of the late 20th and early 21st century. He wrote prolifically across fiction and non-fiction, from genre-defining reportage
A work of creative brilliance may seem like magic – its source a mystery, its impact unexpectedly stirring. How does an artist accomplish such an achievement, connecting deeply with an audience never
From Shakespeare and Jane Austen to Gabriel García Márquez and Toni Morrison, delve into more than 100 biographies of the world's greatest writers.
Introduced with a stunning portrait of each feat
Proud to be a Mammal (1942-97) is Czeslaw Milosz's moving and diverse collection of essays. Among them, he covers his passion for poetry, his love of the Polish language that was so nearly wiped out
An overview of the life and work of much-loved children’s illustrator and author Judith Kerr, creator of classics such as The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and Mog.
A thoughtful and intimate portrait, this
We, the black and the white, deeply need each other here if we are really to become a nation'
James Baldwin's impassioned plea to 'end the racial nightmare' in America was a bestseller when it a
José Saramago takes us on a thrilling literary journey through the land, history and culture of his native country.
From the misty mountains of the north to the southern seascape of the Algarve, t
Who Killed My Father is the story of a tough guy – the story of the little boy I never was. The story of my father.
‘What a beautiful book’ MAX PORTER
In Who Killed My Father, Édouard Louis ex
Wishful Drinking is a touching and incisive account of bipolarity, addiction and motherhood.' Independent 'No motive is pure. No one is good or bad - but a hearty mix of both. And sometimes life actu
Książka jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o znaczenie, miejsce i rolę mitu w twórczości polskich pisarek współczesnych. Pojęcie „mitu” rozumiane jest tu jako zestaw wątków, figur i symboli pochodzącyc
A major new biography of Charles Dickens, tracing the year that would transform his life and times
'It is hard to imagin
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was the world's most celebrated poet, novelist, critic and thinker and this is the best way of knowing him. Today his name is echoed as that of a 'great man' alongside Plat
At the time of his death in 2015, award-winning and bestselling author Sir Terry Pratchett was working on his finest story yet - his own.
The creator of the phenomenally bestselling Discworld seri
W albumie O Zofii Kossak w konspiracji i prywatnie/On Zofia Kossak in Conspiracy and Private Life autorzy przyjmują nietypową perspektywę narracyjną – opisowo-wspomnieniową formę opowiadania.
Unikalna edycja antologii krytyki muzycznej o Chopinie i jego dziele od czasów życia kompozytora do I wojny światowej jest świadectwem recepcji zarówno osobowości jak i fenomenu twórczości Chopina w
For centuries, evidence of queer love in the ancient world was ignored or suppressed. Even today, only a few, famous narratives are widely known - yet there's a rich literary tradition of Greek and R
In the 1940s, it was believed that homosexuality had been becoming more widespread in the aftermath of war. A moral panic ensued, centred around London as the place to which gay men gravitated.
In a