PREPARE 2nd edition Level 4 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 7 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 6 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face is
An exciting new secondary course that reflects the lives of teenagers today and helps to develop confident and independent learners.
The Metro Student Book is made up of interesting topics which a
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English Plus to dynamiczny, czteroczęsiowy kurs dla gimnazjalistów przygotowujący do egzaminu z języka angielskiego, zgodny z najnowszą podstawą programową.
W skład każ
Harmonize 5 WorkbookHarmonize to 6-poziomowy kurs dla szkół średnich, który pomaga nauczycielom przekształcić klasę w środowisko do nauki opartej na współpracy. Ucznio
Podręcznik do nauki języka angielskiego FACE IT to pięcioczęściowa seria stworzona dla uczniów na poziomie liceum i technikum, którzy kontynuują naukę. Kurs napisany został na bazie podstawy programo
Struktura modułu w zeszycie ćwiczeń odpowiada strukturze modułu w podręczniku. Każda z sekcji to cała strona ćwiczeń utrwalających wiadomości i umiejętności prezentowane w podręczniku.
Harmonize 4 WorkbookHarmonize to 6-poziomowy kurs dla szkół średnich, który pomaga nauczycielom przekształcić klasę w środowisko do nauki opartej na współpracy. Ucznio
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 4 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 B1 Preliminary for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with
Prepare! is a lively general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
For busy teachers who want to get their students really communicating, face2face is the flexible, easy-to-teach General English course that helps adults and young adults to speak and listen with conf
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face Sec
'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First for Schools. PREPARE 2nd edition Level 4 combines 'te
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 6 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the B2 First for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resourc
Prepare! is a lively general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face Sec
An exciting new secondary course that reflects the lives of teenagers today and helps to develop confident and independent learners.
The Metro Student Book is made up of interesting topics which a
Prepare! is a lively general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology
face2face Second edition is a fully updated and redesigned edition of this best-selling general English course for adults and young adults who want to learn quickly and effectively in today's world.
face2face Second edition is a fully updated and redesigned edition of this best-selling general English course for adults and young adults who want to learn quickly and effectively in today's world.
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and tec
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. face2face Sec
Idealny podręcznik do zrealizowania w każdej klasie w jeden rok szkolny
Dostosowanie nauczanych treści do potrzeb konkretnej klasy dzięki mnogości opcjonalnych rozwiązań oraz elastycznemu rozkładowi
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 7 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with extensive preparation for the B2 Preliminary for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and res