We live in an age of increasing complexity, where accelerating technology and global interconnection hold more promise – and more peril – than any other time in human history. The fossil fuels that h
From the creator of Valuetainment, the #1 YouTube channel for entrepreneurs, and “one of the most exciting thinkers” (Ray Dalio, author of Principles) in business today, comes a practical and effecti
Skąd pochodzą pieniądze? Kto je tworzy? To książka, w której znajdziesz pełen zasób wiadomości o wielkiej iluzji zwanej pieniądzem. Nudny temat? Tylko poczekaj! W ciągu pięciu minut wciągniesz się w
Struktury polskiego państwa zostały tak skonstruowane, że funkcjonują w interesie masonerii. Podstawowy dla Polski jest, wytworzony przez masonerię, ustrój finansowy i bankowy, będący narzędziem rabu
Discover everything you need to know about Economics.
What is Economics? Why do consumers borrow and save? How do economic systems work? Money and investing can be daunting. This book covers all o
Długookresowe strategie już nie działają – stawia tezę Nassim Nicholas Taleb. W dzisiejszym świecie przeważa to, co nieznane, przypadkowe i zmienne. Jak przetrwać w tej niepewności, oswoić nieoblicza
The key to success in life and business is to become a master at Conversational Intelligence. It's not about how smart you are, but how open you are to learn new and effective powerful conversational
One of the most creative and influential entrepreneurs of our time
Brains behind the Tesco Clubcard, the first and largest loyalty card globally
A successful pioneer in the data industry
Cloudmoney take us to the frontlines of a war for our wallets that is also about our freedom: it is a captivating tour of the world of money that also asks the most important questions about our futu
‘Why is there so much inequality?’ Xenia asks her father, the world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis.
Drawing on memories of her childhood and a variety of well-known tales – from Oedipus and Fau
Why are all my clothes made in Asia? How come I'm so much richer than my great-great-grandma? And what even is money?
Whether you're buying lunch, looking for a job, or applying for a mortgage, th
A perfect introduction for students and laypeople alike, A Degree in a Book: Economics provides you with all the concepts you need to understand the fundamental issues.
Filled with helpful diagram
One of the characteristic facts concerning the “catching-up countries” is the exceptionally large variation in their per capita annual rate of growth, from about zero to about 10%. The papers publish
No one noticed when capitalism was ... replaced.
Perhaps we were too distracted by the pandemic, or the endless financial crises, or the rise of TikTok. But under cover of them all, a new and more
Master the evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers in this timeless book from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnel
„Wzrost gospodarczy to religia nowoczesnego świata. Jest eliksirem, który łagodzi konflikty, obietnicą nieskończonego postępu. Stwarza rozwiązanie dla dramatu życia ludzkiego polegającego na tym, że
Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? At the heart of today's financial and economic crisis is a problem hiding in plain sight.
In modern capitali
Winner of the Enlightened Economist Prize 2019
Winner of Debut Writer of the Year at the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2020
Longlisted for the Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of th
The leading thinker and most visible public advocate of modern monetary theory - the freshest and most important idea about economics in decades - delivers a radically different, bold, new understand
Ludzie to istoty społeczne. Ich unikalnym mechanizmem przetrwania jest zdolność do współpracy. Najbardziej fundamentalną relacją na rynku jest współpraca, a nie konkurencja. Podstawowa relacja rynkow
Obecny system gospodarczy opiera się na maksymalizacji krótkookresowych zysków, unikaniu opodatkowania i przerzucaniu niekorzystnych efektów działalności na społeczeństwo.
Jego konsekwencją są pog
"For decades, a single free market philosophy has dominated global economics. But this is bland and unhealthy - like British food in the 1980s, when bestselling author and Cambridge economist Ha-Joon
Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have liv
The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Sapiens
Stories brought us together.
Books spread our ideas – and our mytho