Czasem warto się zatrzymać i poplotkować z przyjaciółmi przy winie, nawet jeśli dookoła trup ściele się gęsto Elizabeth Best, emerytowana agentka brytyjskiego wywiadu, właśnie dostała list. Nadawcą
It is an ordinary Thursday and things should finally be returning to normal.
Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club are concerned. A decade-old cold case leads them to a l
Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, a
Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favourite bench, his cat waiting for him when he
Czworo (nie całkiem) zwyczajnych przyjaciół. Zaskakujące morderstwo. Zagadka starego klasztoru. Witajcie w Czwartkowym Klubie Zbrodni! Największy kryminalny bestseller ostatnich lat Ponad 4,5 milion
Nikt nie pisze o zbrodni z taką radością jak Osman Seria bijąca wszelkie rekordy popularności. Niezmienny numer 1 na liście bestsellerów „New York Timesa”.
Czwarta część przygód Czwartkowego Klubu
Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favourite bench, his cat waiting for him when he
In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders.
But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club
It is an ordinary Thursday, and things should finally be returning to normal.
Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club are concerned. A decade-old cold case leads them to a
It's the following Thursday.
Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He is being hunted and he needs her help. His story involves stolen dia
Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.
An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.
As the gang springs into acti
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reading series, designed for teenagers and young adults learning English as a foreign language.
With carefully adapted text, new illustrations, language practise a
Chciwość. To go zgubiło. Ta fatalna wada… No i jeszcze czwórka wścibskich seniorów! W Coopers Chase wielkie poruszenie, bo ekipa TV pod wodzą uroczego Mike’a Waghorna, gwiazdora lokalnych wiadomości,
In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders.
But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club
Ciepła, pełna niewymuszonego humoru i ironicznego brytyjskiego dowcipu komedia kryminalna z uroczymi bohaterami, których nie sposób nie polubić. Znakomite połączenie klasycznej intrygi kryminalnej z
“A little beacon of pleasure in the midst of the gloom…SUCH FUN!”
–Kate Atkinson, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Big Sky
Four septuagenarians with a few tricks up their sleeves
A female
The fourth book in the record-breaking Thursday Murder Club series from British national treasure Richard Osman
Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.
An old friend in the antiques bus