A vast canvas of camps, prisons, transit centres and secret police, of informers and spies and interrogators but also of everyday heroism, The Gulag Archipelago is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's grand mast
The story of Chernobyl is more complex, more human, and more terrifying than the Soviet myth. Adam Higginbotham has written a harrowing and compelling narrative which brings the 1986 disaster to life
On 26 April 1986 at 1.23am a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Soviet Ukraine exploded. While the authorities scrambled to understand what was occurring, workers, engineers, firefighter
Extraordinary stories about what it was like to be a Soviet child during the upheaval and horror of the Second World War, from Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich
What did it mean to grow up in the
The extraordinary untold story of how technological change has shaped our history and determined who wins and who loses the rewards of prosperity.
Throughout history, technological change - wh
Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before he turned thirty he'd become the world's youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for hi
From the creation of the first encyclopedia to Wikipedia, from ancient museums to modern kindergarten classes—here is award-winning writer Simon Winchester’s brilliant and all-encompassing look a
Meet the forensic pathologist, Dr Richard Shepherd.
He solves the mysteries of unexplained or sudden death.
He has performed over 23,000 autopsies, including some of the most high-profile cases
Literacka wersja słynnego Archipelagu Gułag. To, co widziałem, tego człowiek nie powinien widzieć, nie powinien o tym wiedzieć. "Rzeczywistości łagrów, przeżywanej przez miliony ludzi, nie można po
In April 1992, Chris McCandless set off alone into the Alaskan wild. He had given his savings to charity, abandoned his car and his possessions, and burnt the money in his wallet, determined to live
What will you sacrifice for the truth?
Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by he
Kathryn Bonella lifts the lid on Bali's nightmarish narcotics underworld. Among the island's drug dealers 'It's snowing in Bali' is code that the south-east Asian paradise is full of cocaine. For the
Wojna nie ma w sobie nic z kobiety była gotowa już w 1983 roku. Dwa lata przeleżała w wydawnictwie. Autorkę oskarżono o ""pacyfizm, naturalizm oraz podważanie heroicznego obrazu kobiety radzieckiej""
Czyta Krystyna Czubówna.
W czasie wielkiej wojny ojczyźnianej zginęły miliony radzieckich dzieci. Rosyjskich, białoruskich, ukraińskich, żydowskich, tatarskich, łotewskich, cygańskich, kozackich,
Od 1979 do 1989 roku w czasie interwencji radzieckiej życie straciło co najmniej kilkaset tysięcy Afgańczyków, a kilkadziesiąt tysięcy radzieckich żołnierzy poniosło śmierć lub zostało rannych. Wyjeż
The powerful chronicle of the women who used their sewing skills to survive the Holocaust, stitching beautiful clothes at an extraordinary fashion workshop created within one of the most notorious WW
Hidden Valley Road contains everything: scientific intrigue, meticulous reporting, startling revelations, and, most of all, a profound sense of humanity. It is that rare book that can be read again a
Throughout history, the concept of command -- as both a way to achieve objectives and as an assertion of authority -- has been essential to military action and leadership. But, as Sir Lawrence Freedm
When Naomi Klein discovered that a woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views, was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. T
‘It couldn’t happen here’
Ece Temelkuran heard reasonable people in Britain say it the night of the Brexit vote.
She heard reasonable people in America say it the night Trump’s election was sou
The routine traffic stop that ends in tragedy. The spy who spends years undetected at the highest levels of the Pentagon. The false conviction of Amanda Knox. Why do we so often get other people wron
Życie grobowe otwiera czytelnika na zdumienie. Pozwala zachwycić się opowieścią o świecie ukrytą w strefie pośredniej pomiędzy żywymi a umarłymi, pomiędzy przestrzenią codzienności (miasta, wsi, pust
Album zawiera wybór fotografii J. Bryana wykonanych w czasie jego wizyt w Związku Sowieckim w latach 1930–1937, 1946–1947 oraz 1956–1959 ukazujących m.in. życie codzienne w Moskwie, Leningradzie, Kij
A brilliant, revelatory account of the Cold War origins of the data-mad, algorithmic twenty-first century, from the acclaimed and internationally bestselling author.
'Back in the 1960s, long befor