John Haywood presents a grand sweep of global history in an immediately accessible format via concise, insightful and engaging text summaries alongside timelines, maps and illustrations. There are 50
Great cities are complex, chaotic and colossal. These are cities that dominate the world stage and define eras; where ideas flourish, revolutions are born and history is made.
Through ten unique c
In twenty-one bite-sized lessons, Yuval Noah Harari explores what it means to be human in an age of bewilderment.
How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technolog
Wiedeń 1913 to próba rekonstrukcji świata, który odszedł bezpowrotnie wraz z I wojną światową, a jednocześnie wyprawa do źródeł nowoczesności. Rok 1913 to fascynujący czas ścierania się starych i now
Sometimes history seems like a laundry list of malevolent monarchs, pompous presidents and dastardly dictators. But are they really the ones in the driving seat? Sapiens: A Graphic History – The Mast
Doskonałe połączenie rzetelnej analizy historycznej z barwną, potoczystą opowieścią. Kiedy w dalekim palestyńskim miasteczku rodził się Chrystus, Europa była podzielona na dwa krańcowo różne światy.
'A compelling narrative of the human story' TIM MARSHALL, author of Prisoners of Geography
'Lively, rich and exciting... full of surprises' PETER FRANKOPAN, author of The Silk Roads
This book consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, we look at early Sm?ti cosmogonies presented in MS 1 and MDhP 175–176, 240. It is argued that the creation of the world is seen as a cogniti
There are few countries with such an established design scene, distinctive aesthetic, and universal appeal as Italy. This sumptuously illustrated survey showcases 50 of Italy’s most beautiful homes,
This album accompanies the Trails of Hope The Odyssey of Freedom project and is dedicated to
General Władysław Anders, whose figure is forever associated with the exodus of our compatriots
from the
“Chivalry is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than cherry blossom” are the opening words to Inazo Nitobe’s Bushido: The Soul of Japan. It was 1900 and Inazo, a Japanese academic livin
The land of the free. The home of the brave. But what has America achieved in the aim of ‘spreading democracy’ — except wreak havoc across the globe and establish a reckless foreign policy that serve
'Richard Dawkins is a thunderously gifted science writer.' Sunday Times
'It may be a collection of shorter parts, but the book is in no sense Dawkins made simple. It amounts to a substantive whole
Monety antyczne (tj. greckie, celtyckie i rzymskie, wyemitowane do początku VI w. po Chr.) stanowią niewielką część datowanych na średniowiecze i epokę nowożytną skarbów i innych zespołów zabytków zn
Impulsem, który zapoczątkował powstanie tej książki, była wizyta w Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu, gdzie zwrócił moją uwagę obraz Bernardo Strozziego Porwanie Europy (Il ratto di Europa, 1630–44). Zasta
Using rich and varied narrative images and resources, literary artworks, excerpts from philosophical and sociological writings, musicological theories and film studies, historical documents, and othe
Before Amsterdam another North Sea city was the hub of the known world. Antwerp, writes Michael Pye, 'rapidly became a world city, a centre of stories published across Europe, a sensation like ninete
"Civilization rests on a series of successful conversations." Sam Harris
Neuroscientist, philosopher, podcaster and bestselling author Sam Harris, has been exploring some of the greatest questions
From the acclaimed author of Japan Story, this is the history of Japan, distilled into the stories of twenty remarkable individuals.
The vivid and entertaining portraits in Chris Harding's enormou
Women, especially feminists and lesbians, have long been accused of hating men. Our instinct is to deny it at all costs. (After all, women have been burnt at the stake for admitting to less.)
The first short narrative history of the continent, from the author of the bestselling A Short History of England
Europe is an astonishingly successful place. In this dazzling new history, bestsel
Vogue Paris has always been so much more than a fashion magazine. It has assumed a central and vital role on the international cultural stage, with a history that spans the most inventive decades in
A beguiling cultural history of colour by the BAFTA nominated broadcaster and art historian James Fox
'This book is a triumph. James Fox's passionate and illuminating exploration of the extraordin
Monografia Thuptena Kungi Chashaba jest pierwszym opracowaniem przechowywanego w Bibliotece Jagiellońskiej w Kolekcji Pandera A unikalnego tybetańskiego rękopisu autorstwa Ngag dbang ’jig grags z kró