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Among them books by Markus Müller, Riccardo Falcinelli, Marisa Lempicka.

Chcesz otrzymać informacje o najnowszych książkach podobnych do Redouté The Book of Flowers.?

Picasso - Linolschnitte Linocuts [Oprawa Twarda]
Markus Müller

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Riccardo Falcinelli

The Italian colour bible: a gorgeously illustrated exploration of colour and the modern gaze, from an award-winning designer 'Fresh and exciting, like an unopened packet of coloured pencils. Count

Tamara de Lempicka [Oprawa Twarda]
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One Thousand Years of Manga [Oprawa Miękka]
Brigitte Koyama-Richard

Manga has attained phenomenal worldwide success in recent years, and shows no signs of slowing down. As contemporary as this graphic artform may appear to readers outside of Japan, manga is the fruit

Japanese Woodblock Prints [Oprawa Twarda]
Andreas Marks

From Edouard Manet’s portrait of naturalist writer Émile Zola sitting among his Japanese art finds to Van Gogh’s meticulous copies of the Hiroshige prints he devotedly collected, 19th-century pioneer

Contemporary Japanese Architecture [Oprawa Twarda]
Philip Jodidio

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Opracowanie Zbiorowe

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Van Eyck The official book that accompanies [Oprawa Twarda]

This stunning compilation of the work of Jan van Eyck, the master Flemish painter, is being published to coincide with a once-in-a-lifetime exhibition in Ghent. Flemish painter Jan van Eyck (1390–

The Little Big Penis Book [Oprawa Twarda]

“Sirs” begins the missive from our imaginary correspondent. “It’s not that I don’t love your original Big Penis Book, but that, perhaps, I love it too much. I now become anxious leaving the house wit

The Art of Polish Poster [Oprawa Twarda]
Dorota Folga-Januszewska

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Michelangelo The Complete Works Painting, Sculptur.. [Oprawa Twarda]
Frank Zollner , Christof Thoenes

Meet the Renaissance master Before reaching the tender age of 30, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564) had already sculpted Pietà and David, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of

Jungle Spirits [Oprawa Twarda]
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The Little Big Book of Pussy [Oprawa Zintegrowana]
Dian Hanson

Her coat is so warm, and now so affordable! From the time The Big Penis Book was published, readers anticipated The Big Book of Pussy. Granted, perhaps not the same readers, but the seed had been pl

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Dian Hanson

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What’s Wrong in Tinseltown? The dark side of Los Angeles, 1920–1950 In the years following World War I, Los Angeles was a city awakening to its darker side, transforming itself from a backwater t

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Masterpieces of Fantasy Art. 40th Ed. [Oprawa Twarda]

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Mondrian [Oprawa Twarda]
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Abstract pioneer Harmonies in red, yellow, and blue A key figure in the international avant-garde, Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) was at once an extraordinary painter and leading art theoretician whos

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